Geography of Reproduction

Geography of Reproduction

Geography of abortion access in the US

Geography of abortion access in the US

ITS025 is all about babies and birth control - the geography of reproduction! We explore the spatial component of births, birth control, abortion access, and even baby name trends.


Show Notes

Lots of info on the geography of women’s health and reproduction

Maternal mortality rates from the Centers for Disease Control

Race and infant mortality stats

Mapping the geography of infant mortality

So much info on maternal morality in the US

The urban-rural health divide for women

Who is using what kind of birth control

More on universal access to contraception

CityLab on the geography of abortion

Lots more on the geography of abortion access

Most popular baby names of 2015

Best and worst states to have a baby

abortion access.png
On Gentrification

On Gentrification

Geography of Music Scenes

Geography of Music Scenes